OPC Rookie mistake

29 03 2009


I recently picked up a lot of OPC Marquee Rookies for my 08-09 OPC set, and Mason was the big draw.  I thought for sure I’d need this card since he was one of the big up and comers.  I was wrong.  So now I have two.

Still, there are worse cards to have two of then the NHL rookie of the month for November and December.  He’s currently 2nd in the league in goals against average and 7th in save percentage.  Mason recently recorded his league leading 10th shutout against the Calgary Flames, all while the target of death threats from a fan from the opposing team.  And the guy is only 20 years old to boot.

Even though I didn’t need the Mason, I did score 18 cards that I actually did, including the skating Mike Brown (not the goalie from last night’s post), Claude Giroux, and Brian Boyle, all of whom may not be stars now but certainly have some potential.

The lot put me over the half way mark of the short print portion of the set, and I may end up finishing it before I get through the rest of the set.  That is unless I break down and grab a retail box from Upper Deck during their half off sale.  $29 isn’t bad for over 200 cards, even with long odds for a good insert pull.  It should net you about a third of the set for those interested.



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